Near Fochteloërveen, in northern Drenthe, a newly settled White-tailed Eagle (male adult, female 5-cy) built a nest in a sitka spruce Picea sitchensis at a height of 23 m (dbh , planted in 1934), in a section of a forestry closed to the public. The nest was located on 2 April, but egg-laying probably had started between 26-28 March (based on back-calculation from chick age later on). On 13 May two downy chicks were seen, but chick number had reduced to a single one by 26 May. This young fledged on 25 July, but was still in the area by 6 October (when just having been fed on the nest, both adults alarm-calling). Prey remains were mainly ducks and geese, but hunting areas remained unknown. A second pair (both pair members fully adult in 2022) covered the southwestern part of Drenthe, preceded by more or less resident non-breeding eagles from 2018 onwards. Just across the German border a pair had raised 1 and 2 chicks in respectively 2018 and 2019. In spring 2020, an adult female and a 3-cy male were recorded at a small estate nearby, having a conflict with a Goshawk Accipiter gentilis. A pair was again recorded on this estate in spring 2021 and 2022, when copulations were recorded and (in 2022) nest-material was seen transported. After 26 March further observations failed to materialise, but by mid-August 2 adults and 1 juvenile suddenly turned up, and stayed till at least 16 September. Although searched for, a nest was not located. Within this region, newly created wetlands attracted many ducks and geese.