Verslag van de sieralgenexcursie naar het Wisselse Veen op 24 augustus 2024
Desmidiologische Mededelingen , Volume 13 p. 6- 16
Report of the desmid excursion to 'Wisselse Veen' on August 24, 2024. The annual excursion of the Dutch desmid working group went to the moorland area Wisselse Veen, on the east side of the Veluwe (Gelderland), in 2024. This used to be an area with raised moor-like vegetation, including heathland and species-rich grasslands. It has been almost completely lost due to exploitation. Since the 1990s, attempts have been made to restore some of the former biodiversity through excavation and restoration of the water management. There is now a swampy area with a lot of influence from groundwater. The area has become very rich in desmids, with various species characteristic of buffered conditions. Some subatmophytic species were found that had only been reported a few times previously for the Netherlands, namely Cosmarium caelatum and C. elegantissimum f. minor. Staurastrum merianii was found in the Netherlands for the first time.
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Desmidiologische Mededelingen | |
CC BY 4.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding") | |
Organisation | Nederlandse Sieralgenwerkgroep |
M.C. van Westen, P.F.M. Coesel, & B. F. van Tooren. (2024). Verslag van de sieralgenexcursie naar het Wisselse Veen op 24 augustus 2024. Desmidiologische Mededelingen, 13, 6–16. |