De nieuwe Rode Lijsten Amfibieën en Reptielen Niet korter, wel enige lichtpuntjes
RAVON , Volume 26 - Issue 4 p. 68- 71
Een Rode Lijst is een belangrijk instrument bij natuur- en soortbescherming: welke soorten zijn bedreigd en met welke soorten gaat het goed? De nieuwe Rode Lijsten voor Amfibieën en Reptielen vervangen met ingang van oktober 2024 de oude Rode Lijsten uit 2009. Tijd om de veranderingen die hebben plaatsgevonden onder de loep te nemen. New Red Data Lists for reptiles and amphibians The new Red Data Lists for reptiles and amphibians in the Netherlands were updated in October 2024 and replace the 2009 lists. A total of 23 native reptile and amphibian species were assessed using both Dutch and IUCN criteria. The Dutch criteria compare current populations with those from 1950, while the IUCN criteria focus on shorter periods. The results show that 12 of the 23 species are now classified as ‘near threatened’, ‘vulnerable’ or ‘critically endangered’. The only native population of wall lizards in the city of Maastricht is thriving due tot climate change and proper habitat management. The fire salamander has been severely impacted by the Bsal fungus, resulting in its classification as ‘critically endangered’. In contrast, species like the European tree frog, common spadefoot, and yellow-bellied toad benefit from habitat restoration and reintroduction programs. Meanwhile, the adder and common lizard continue to decline due to climate change, habitat fragmentation, and intensive management to counter the effects of excessive nitrogen deposition. The article also provides an overview of common threats to amphibians and reptiles and emphasizes the need for targeted conservation efforts, habitat restoration, and ongoing monitoring to secure the future of these species
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CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding") | |
Organisation | RAVON |
R. Creemers, J. van Delft, & J. Herder. (2024). De nieuwe Rode Lijsten Amfibieën en Reptielen
Niet korter, wel enige lichtpuntjes. RAVON, 26(4), 68–71. |