Groei van nestjonge Houtduiven Columba palumbus
Growth of nestling Woodpigeons Columba palumbus
Between 1982 and 2010 11 young on 6 nests of Woodpigeons were daily or almost daily weighed and measured from hatching (= day 0) till near-fledging (day 15-22). For each squab, body mass (to nearest 0.5/5 g), maximum wing chord (flattened and straightened), primary 8 (counted from inner to outer), tail length (base to tip central rectrice), tarsus (notch intertarsal joint to lower edge of last complete scale before toes diverge), tarsus + heel (ditto, but including intertarsal joint), and head + bill were taken by the same observer, using rulers (to the nearest mm) or caliper (nearest 0.1 mm). Of P8 and central rectrice, the length of the emerging feather was measured daily as soon as visible. Mass gain was especially rapid in the first days of life, increasing from 17 g at day 0 to >100 g at day 3, then dropped to a steady increase till about 300 g at day 15 (i.e. 60% of adult body mass). A similar pattern was found in wing length (and P8, rectrices and head + bill), although the initial growth (expressed as % increase relative to wing length on the previous day) was less steep than in body mass. At fledging, maximum wing chord had reached 75% of adult wing length. In contrast, tarsus growth stabilised by day 14 at 93% of the tarsus of an adult. Feathers emerged from the shaft of P8 and the central rectrices at day 8 (3x) and day 9 (3x). Chicks in one nest lost their egg tooth on day 11 and day 13. At the time of fledging Woodpigeons still have a long period of growth to go. Leaving the nest as soon as possible is probably a strategy to avoid predation.
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Drentse vogels | |
Organisatie | Werkgroep Avifauna Drenthe |
R.G. Bijlsma. (2022). Groei van nestjonge Houtduiven Columba palumbus. Drentse vogels. |