Excursion 2 visited the extended quarry of the ENCI (First Netherlands Cement Industry), near Maastricht. Here Maastricht-chalk and the upper part of the Gulpen- chalk could be seen. In both parts a great number of flintlayers could be studied. In the surroundings of Eben-Emael (Belgium) two quarries, where flint is extracted for use in industrial mills and ovens, were visited. At the Garcet-quarry flint is exploited by means of horizontal galleries.
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Grondboor & Hamer | |
CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding") | |
Organisation | Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging |
F.H.G. Engelen, & W.M. Felder. (1971). Excursie 2. Grondboor & Hamer, 25(3), 29–33. |