
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

A three-day meeting with 5 lichenologists from The Netherlands was arranged in the provinces of Drente and Overijssel in april 1991. A list of 204 lichen records is presented. Fuscidea viridis, Lepraria neglecta and Scoliciosporum gallurae are published from The Netherlands for the first time. Lecania cuprea (syn. Bacidia cuprea) has been found for the first time in The Netherlands, but was reported elsewhere (v.d. Boom 1992).


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Bryologische en Lichenologische Werkgroep

Pieter van den Boom & André Aptroot. (1992). De lichenologische voorjaarsexcursie van 1991 naar Drente, de Noordoostpolder en Noordwest Overijssel, met gegevens over het belang van hunebedden voor de korstmosflora. Buxbaumiella, 28(1), 49–58.