This book is the fifth item in the series Glaciology and Quaternary Geology, edited by C. R. Bentley of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is unique in its kind in being a textbook and reference source which systematically and comprehensively deals with the subject of glaciotectonism. To illustrate various glaciotectonic features, the authors have used exemplary case studies from both North America and Europe. The first chapter briefly reviews historical developments in the two major regions of interest, defines the concept of glaciotectonism and introduces a classification of glaciotectonic landforms. The term glaciotectonism, as conceived by the authors, refers to deformations of pre-existing substratum material resulting from glacier-ice movement or loading. Deformations within the glacier ice are excluded from the definition and this, perhaps, is the reason why the important work of G. S. Boulton is nowhere quoted in the book.