Additional herpetological material from the Middle Pleistocene Boxgrove hominid site, West Sussex, England, has provided the first records from the site of two salamanders (crested newt, Triturus cristatus, and palmate newt, Triturus helveticus), two anurans (common parsley frog, Pelodytes punctatus, and water frog ( Rana [ridibunda] sp.), and one snake (smooth snake, Coronella austriaca); as well as additional records of the nine previously reported herpetological species by Holman (1999). The total Boxgrove herpetofauna now consists of three salamanders, seven anurans, two lizards, and two snakes, forming one of the largest Pleistocene herpetofaunas in the British Isles. All 14 herpetological species from Boxgrove are presently living, but three species: spadefoot, Pelobates fuscus; common parsley frog, Pelodytes punctatus; and moor frog, Rana arvalis are continental species that do not presently occur in Britain. As a whole, the herpetofauna indicates a climate that is similar to the present one in the Boxgrove area. The herpetological species indicate the presence of a shallow pond; a wet or damp grassy area; a moderately moist, well-vegetated, terrestrial area; and a rather open, sandy habitat.