The aim of this research is to determine the Odontoceti, which lived in a remote past in the primeval North Sea at Mill, on family, genus and possibly species level based upon fossil periotica. Seven characteristic features were measured at each perioticum. The features and their measurements were compared with each other and with recent comparison material as far as possible. The periotica of Odontoceti that were found at Mill belong to eight different families. The largest group comprises the Delphinidae with the genera Stenella, Lissodelphis, Hemisyntrachelus and Globicephala. The following group consists of the Kentriodontidae, but a further determination to genus level appeared impossible. The Monodontidae are represented at Mill by Delphinapterus and a yet undetermined genus. Other families occurring at Mill are further the Phocoenidae with the genus Phocoena, the Pontoporiidae with two not further determined morphotypes, the Ziphiidae with the genus Choneziphius and two further undetermined morphotypes, Physeteridae with three size classes and the Eurhinodelphinidae.