
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

The author gives a brief survey of ecology, distribution, and differences in flowering time of Odontites verna (Bell.) Dum. subsp. verna, subsp. litoralis (Fr.) A. Pedersen, subsp. fennica (Markl.), subsp. serotina (Wettst.) E. F. Warb., and subsp. pumila (Nordst.) A. Pedersen. In a description of the last named differential characters with subsp. serotina are stressed. Subsp. pumila is known from sandy pastures along the coasts of S. W. Sweden, Denmark, N. and N. W. Germany, and the Netherlands. Fig. 1 gives a map, showing the distribution in the Netherlands, based on the material of the Rijksherbarium, Leiden.