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The author mentions Plantago major L. subsp. pleiosperma Pilger (P. intermedia auct., non Gilib.; W. Koch, in Ber. Schw. Bot. Ges. 37, 1928, p. 45) for the first time in the Netherlands. This taxon can be distinguished from subsp. P. major subsp. major major as follows: Leaves with (3—)5—9 nerves, usually rather broadly ovate, (1 1/3—) 1½ (—2) times as long as broad, usually with an obtuse apex and a rounded base, abruptly narrowed into the petiole, usually entire and sparsely hairy. Lid of the fruit usually completely exceeding the sepals. Seeds rather large, 4—15, on the average 8—9 in a fruit. Ecology: A plant of trodden places, usually not in natural habitats. Faithful taxon of Lolio-Plantaginetum, also, but less often in Polygono-Coronopion and Agropyro-Rumicion crispi. P. major subsp. pleiosperma Leaves with 3—5(—7) nerves, usually narrower to about elliptic, (1½—) 1 2/3—2 (—2 1/3) times as long as broad, usually with a more or less acute apex and a cuneate base, gradually narrowed into the petiole, usually more or less undulate-dentate, especially towards the base, and moderately hairy. Lower part of the lid of the fruit covered by the tips of the sepals. Seeds rather small, (12—)14—22(—26), on the average 17—18 in a fruit. Ecology: No plant of trodden places, more often in natural habitats. Faithful taxon of Nanocyperion flavescentis, also in Agropyro-Rumicion crispi and Bidention.