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The author mentions three hybrids of Potamogeton species, found in the province of Friesland during the last few years. Two of them, viz. P. lucens L. X P. praelongus Wulf. (P. X decipiens Nolte ex Koch) and P. natans L. X P. zizii Koch ex Roth ( (P. X crassifolius Fryer) were already known from the Netherlands. The third, P. gramineus L. X P. natans L. (P. X sparganifolius Laest. ex Fries), discovered near Oostermeer, is new for our country.

Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives

CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding")

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

D.T.E. van der Ploeg. (1974). Een drietal Potamogeton-hybriden in Friesland, waaronder Potamogeton x sparganifolius Laest. ex Fries nieuw voor Nederland. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives, 7(1), 1–6.