
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

The author mentions a number of floristically interesting records in the Netherlands, mainly in 1976. Three species are refound after a long period of absence, namely Carduus tenuiflorus Curt, on the former island of Wieringen (prov. of North-Holland), also recorded in 1977 from the dunes near Zandvoort (prov. of North-Holland), which was considered extinct since 1920, Thesium humifusum DC. in the dunes near Katwijk (prov. of South-Holland), which was considered extinct since 1912, and Galium boreale L. in the „Dordtse” Biesbosch (prov. of South-Holland), which was considered extinct since about 1930. Also another species, considered extinct in the Netherlands since 1962, is refound, viz. Chenopodium vulvaria L., but as the natural area of this species in the country ought to be restricted to the extreme southern part (fig. 2), the record of C. vulvaria in Assendelft (prov. of North-Holland) has to be conceived as an adventitious one. Two new taxa can be added to the Standardlist of the Netherlands flora, viz. Dactylorhiza elata (L.) Soo, recorded from Aardenburg (prov. of Zeeland), and Rosa sherardii Davies (= R. omissa Déséglise), recorded from Onstwedde (prov. of Groningen). The first record on a Waddenisland, viz. Terschelling, has been mentioned of Pinguicula vulgaris L. (very strongly in decline in the Netherlands!), and also a great number of records of Silaum silaus (L.) Sch. et Thell. (up to now in the Netherlands considered an endangered species) from the „Dordtse” Biesbosch (prov. of South-Holland), from Arnhem (prov. of Gelderland) and also in 1977 from Houten (prov. of Utrecht). The settlement of the mediterranean Dactylorhiza elata is very probably due to the extremely warm summers during 1975 and 1976. Also the new locality of Carduus tenuiflorus in the dunes near Zandvoort can be seen as a new settlement. But in most of the other cases the sudden (re)finding of very rare species in the Netherlands can be credited to the increased intensity of the floristic investigations in the country.