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On ten localities where Leucojum aestivum occurs, vegetation and soil profile were described, the length of leaves and flower stalks was measured, and the number of flowers per inflorescence was counted. The accompanying species were characteristic for Convolvuletalia-, Phragmitetalia and Magnocaricetalia- or Molinietalia-vegetations. On the three sites within the tidal area individual plants and tufts of plants tended to attain the greatest dimensions. The substrate on these sites was a nearly unripened clayey soil with a high percentage of organic material, strongly resembling the soils on the other sites, which were initial raw peat soils, sometimes more or less clayey. Seedlings of L. aestivum were most common on undisturbed waterlogged peaty soils. To gain a fuller insight in the autecology of this interesting species the forthcoming results of investigations in the area of the ‘Oude Maas’ are essential.