
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

Bromus erectus, a rare grass in the Netherlands and hitherto almost confined to the Chalk and Fluviatile districts, was recorded on the verge of the Almelo-Nordhorn canal (Prov. of Overijssel). It occurs in an Arrhenatheretum vegetation on a south-exposed dike slope. Its substratum is acid sand poor in lime, which is rather unusual for this species. In the Netherlands and adjacent parts of Germany (Westfalen) B. erectus appears to be a neophytic species. On the one hand, it requires a somewhat open type of habitat; on the other hand, it tends to spread in grassland neglected by agriculture. The grassland at the locality can be considered neglected and also to some extent ‘open’, because of the steepness of the dike slope. In addition, some remarks are made on the flora along the Almelo-Nordhorn canal, which resembles that of the Fluviatile district to some extent The greater part of this flora the canal has in common with the small river Dinkel which crosses the canal, but some of the plants in question are unknown along the Dinkel. Probably their occurrence on the border of the Almelo-Nordhorn canal is related to that in Westfalen; this applies at least for B. erectus and Euphorbia cyparissias, which have been spreading in Westfalen for more than a century.