De dennenorchis (Goodyera repens L.) op Beatrixoord te Appelscha
Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives , Volume 10 - Issue 5/6 p. 105- 107
The author describes the occurrence of Goodyera repens in a forest near Appelscha (Friesland). This species was found during an investigation of this forest, called Beatrixoord, on behalf of a management and maintenance plan. This area was visited three times and each time Goodyera was found in different parts of Beatrixoord. Goodyera is a rather rare orchid in the Netherlands. The species occours in pine woods on dry sandy soils. In Germany however the species is also found on calcarious soil accompanied by species such as Cephalanthera rubra, Plantanthera chlorantha and Epipactis atrorubens. In the Netherlands Goodyera is accompanied by species of the Vaccinio-Piceetea like Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Listera cordata, Linnaea borealis, Pyrola minor and Deschampsia flexuosa. In Beatrixoord however Goodyera occurs with just a few typical species of the Vaccinio-Piceetea. Because Goodyera is rather vulnerable the manager of this forest must be very careful when taking normal measures like thinning and artifical regeneration of parts of the wood. He should try to attain a wood with a well-balanced stratification in age.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives | |
Organisatie | Naturalis Biodiversity Center |
H. Dekker. (1980). De dennenorchis (Goodyera repens L.) op Beatrixoord te Appelscha. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives, 10(5/6), 105–107. |