
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

Fifty years ago Kloos (1933) described the species of the Alchemilla vulgaris i agg. for the Netherlands. He based his work on a publication by Lindberg (1908). Since then much more material of the genus was collected and several comprehensive treatments of it have appeared in neighbouring countries. A new revision was needed especially for the 20th edition of the 'Flora van Nederland' and the second part of the 'Atlas van de Nederlandse Flora'. With the help of all new data the key has been redrawn and the descriptions of the species are completed or when needed a new description has been made. A new species for the Netherlands, A. gracilis. was discovered, the adventitious A. mollis is added to the key and A. glaucescens is abandonned. A. mollis and A. glabra can always be distinguished form the other species. A. xanthochlora IS sometimes very similar to A. acutiloba, but with the characters of table 1 at least an indication of the identity can be obtained. A. gracilis also resembles A. acutiloba. The taxonomic characters given in the key do not separate these species clearly, one specimen even showed characteristics of both. The other species occurring in the Netherlands, A. filicaulis, A. monticola and A. subcrenata, did not give any problem in identification.