
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

Due to the ‘Delta Works’ many salt marsh vegetations are lost. Great environmental and vegetation changes take place. The development of a new vegetation is studied in the Rammegors (Van der Reest, 1983). Some features are discussed. Development on former salt marshes leads to a dense vegetation of tall perennial weeds. Shaded by its leaf canopy some fern species appear. The establishment of Sonchus palustris takes place under wet conditions in former salt marsh depressions. Many epiphytic lichens demonstrate a terrestrial growth habit on former sand flats. They disappear in the course of vegetation succession. The vegetation of frequently inundated saline soils shows a clear zonation pattern. Four vegetation zones are distinguished, corresponding with Puccinellietum, Juncetum gerardii, Agrostio-Trifolietum fragiferi and Caricion davallianae communities. The vegetation of moist sand flat soils shows some resemblence with wet calcareous dune slack vegetation. A proper nature management in the Rammegors will increase its significance as a nature reserve.