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The limits of the distribution of Leontodon hispidus in the Dutch riverine area are difficult to be established because the species is often confused with L. saxatilis. Generally the former species occurs in rather dry grassland on chalk, loess or river clay. During an investigation of marginal parts of its area, L. hispidus was found to thrive on peat in a road verge in the Krimpenerwaard (IVON-square 38.23). A ‘relevé’ of this locality is given. In contrast with several recent records, along the lower course of the Gelderse IJssel the author observed only L. saxatilis and no L. hispidus. A former (apparent?) gap in the species’ distribution in the western part of Noord-Brabant has been filled up for the greater part. On the other hand, L. hispidus has vanished along the Dommel in the same province.

Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives

CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding")

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

E.J. Weeda. (1988). De verspreidingsgrens van de Ruige leeuwetand (Leontodon hispidus L.) in Nederland en zijn voorkomen op veen in de Krimpenerwaard. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives, 14(1), 15–18.