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About 30 years ago Orobanche reticulata was recorded on two sites in the dunes. The records were not accepted because the plants did not show the typical dark based glandular hairs. The rediscovery, after 28 years, of this rare species on one of those earlier dune localities led to the notion that this character is not absolutely reliable. From field observations it appears that O. reticulata usually grows in groups of several (usually tall) specimens which flower successively during a period of three months. All other records of O. reticulata in the Netherlands are situated in the riverine district, so it is suggested that the inlet of Rhine water for infiltration works was a factor that caused its establishment in this dunal area.

Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives

CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding")

Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Ger Londo & Joop Mounk. (2001). Vindplaatsen van Distelbremraap [Orobanche reticulata subsp. pallidiflora (Wimm. & Grab.) Hayek] in verstoorde duinen. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives, 27(6), 137–142.

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