Linum catharticum L. (Geelhartje) in Flevoland; een succesvolle Rode Lijst-soort
Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives , Volume 28 - Issue 6 p. 125- 133
In the Netherlands, Linum catharticum is a treathened species. Populations of L. catharticum have disappeared or have gone into a strong decline in most areas of the country, except in coastal dunes and some land reclamation areas (polders). In the Province of Flevoland, which almost entirely consists of reclaimed land from the sea, L. catharticum is a succesful Red List species. The species has established itself in all polders of Flevoland forming large populations on calcareous, wet sandy to clayey soils. Road verges were colonised at first, followed by colonisation of nature reserves. In the Noordoostpolder, populations of L. catharticum declined strongly due to eutrofication of the sites, but recent restoration efforts are succesfull in recovering the species. In Flevoland, plants of L. catharticum grow in vegetations that resemble those occuring in coastal dune areas, but they also grow in vegetations that belong to the Arrhenatherion.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives | |
Organisatie | Naturalis Biodiversity Center |
Piet Bremer & Bram (A.) Smit. (2002). Linum catharticum L. (Geelhartje) in Flevoland; een succesvolle Rode Lijst-soort. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives, 28(6), 125–133. |