This article presents an annotated list of all known strandings of killer whales Orcin us orca Linnaeus, 1758 on the Dutch coast between 1783 and 1995.26 cases are recorded. Most of the cases are documented by skeletons and/or skulls kept in natural history museums. All material was examined by the author. Special attention was given to the amount of wear and infection of the teeth, fractures of the ribs, and vertebral anomalies. Pathological changes in the skeletons and teeth are also described.

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CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding")

Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam

E.J.O. Kompanje. (1995). Strandings of killer whales Orinus orca in the Netherlands between 1783 and 1995 with some remarks on skeletal and dental pathology (Mammalia, Cetacea, Odontoceti). Deinsea, 2(1), 67–82.