1) The chromosome counts of seventeen Taraxacum species were made, and fourteen of these are reported for the first time. 2) The four diploid species all occur in the Western Himalaya region, the probable place of origin of the genus. 3) The chromosome numbers of T. nordstedtii Dahlst., T. obliquum (Fr.) Dahlst. and T. duplidens Lindb. f. are concurred with those recorded by Gustafsson. 4) Chromosomal chimaera have been observed in T. agaurum v. Soest, T. wallichii De C., and T. vulpinum v. Soest. 5) The karyotype of a triploid form of T. vulpinum (Cult. 121) and T. mitalii v. Soest was analysed and matches with the idiogram recorded by Gudjónsson for the Vulgaria group.