A scheme of biozones, with at least local application, is proposed for strata of the White Limestone Group of Jamaica, based on larger benthic foraminiferal genera. Four zones, the Asterocyclina, Eulepidina, Miogypsina and Amphistegina zones, extend through the Eocene, Oligocene, Lower Miocene, and Middle Miocene and higher horizons, respectively. The Asterocyclina Zone is divided into four subzones, three of Middle Eocene and one of Late Eocene age. The lowest of these includes strata of the Yellow Limestone Group, but only doubtfully of the White Limestone Group in central Jamaica. The Eulepidina Zone is divided into three subzones, the Miogypsina Zone into two. The Amphistegina Zone contains one subzone, the Nummulites Subzone, which extends through the upper part of the White Limestone Group. The higher part of the Amphistegina Zone is not divided. Further subdivision within some subzones is indicated, but not formalised. Correlation of the zones and subzones with larger foraminiferal genera of the platform interior still presents problems for Oligocene and Miocene horizons. Assemblages containing Praerhapydionina delicata are assigned to the Oligocene. Those with archaiasinids, resembling A. kirkukensis, are found near the Oligo-Miocene boundary, and may span the stratigraphic interval marked by the occurrence of Heterostegina (Vlerkina) antillea. The ‘Amphisorus matleyi’ fauna of earlier workers appears to be wholly of Miocene age.