Bulk samples of Miocene carbonate sedimentary rocks (deep-water chalks and shallow-water-derived calcarenites) from the Montpelier Formation (White Limestone Group) at Duncans Quarry (Jamaica), have yielded a small, but diverse, fauna of dissociated fish remains. Shark remains include the teeth of five species, four of which are squalids. A diverse, but taxonomically indeterminate, osteichthyan tooth assemblage is also present. A number of the teeth contain microborings of two ichnotaxa. The assemblage is considered to be typical of a deep-water continental slope fauna and indicates an abrupt northern margin of the Miocene shallow-water carbonate platforms.

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Cainozoic Research

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Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie

Charlie J. Underwood, & Simon F. Mitchell. (2003). Sharks, bony fishes and endodental borings from the Miocene Montpelier Formation (White Limestone Group) of Jamaica. Cainozoic Research, 3(1/2), 157–165.