The Middle Eocene to Middle Miocene White Limestone Group contains uncommon, but relatively diverse, macroborings along with moderately diverse, poor to moderately preserved, soft-sediment ichnotaxa. The Troy, Somerset, Moneague and Montpelier formations have yielded macroborings. Nine ichnogenera represented by twenty-nine ichnospecies are identified. These are Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, Clionolithes irregularis Fenton & Fenton, Cl. radicans Clarke, Conchotrema canna Price, Co. tenuis Teichert, Conchotrema isp., Entobia cateniformis Bromley & d’Alessandro, E. gigantea Bromley & d’Alessandro, E. megastoma (Fischer), E. ovula Bromley & d’Alessandro, E. paradoxa (Fischer), Entobia ispp. AA, AB, AC, AD, Gastrochaenolites anauchen Wilson & Palmer, G. cluniformis Kelly & Bromley, G. dijugus Kelly & Bromley, G. lapidicus Kelly & Bromley, G. torpedo Kelly & Bromley, Gastrochaenolites isp., Maeandropolydora crassa Bromley & d’Alessandro, M. decipiens Voigt, M. elegans Bromley & d’Alessandro, M. sulcans Voigt, Oichnus simplex Bromley, O. paraboloides Bromley, Trypanites isp. and Uniglobites glomerata (Morris).

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Cainozoic Research

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Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie

Donovan J. Blissett, & Ron K. Pickerill. (2003). Observations on macroborings from the White Limestone Group of Jamaica. Cainozoic Research, 3(1/2), 167–187.