Myliobatid teeth from the Esbarrondadoiro Formation (Alvalade Basin, Portugal) are described. These teeth have been attributed to the genera Aetobatus (represented by A. cappettai n. sp.), Myliobatis (M. cf. aquila) and Pteromylaeus (P. sp.). Other Myliobatid teeth are from an extinct genus whose taxonomic status remains unresolved. São descritos dentes de Myliobatidae colhidos em depósitos da Formacão de Esbarrondadoiro (Bacia de Alvalade), dos géneros Aetobatus (representado por Aetobatus cappettai, nov. sp.), Myliobatis (M. cf. aquila) e Pteromylaeus (P. sp.). Outros dentes, pertencentes a géneros extintos, são de posição taxonómica ainda não esclarecida..

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Cainozoic Research

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-NietCommercieel-GeenAfgeleideWerken")

Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie

Miguel Telles Antunes, & Ausenda Cáceres Balbino. (2004). Latest Miocene Myliobatids (Batoidei, Selachii) from the Alvalade Basin, Portugal. Cainozoic Research, 4(1/2), 41–49.