A few disarticulated brittlestar vertebrae recovered from strata assigned to the Oosterhout Formation (Upper North Sea Group. Pliocene), penetrated in the borehole Usselmuiden-1, are assigned to the Gorgonocephalidae on the basis of vertebral shape and arm branching. This is the first fossil record of this group from the North Sea Basin.

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Cainozoic Research

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-NietCommercieel-GeenAfgeleideWerken")

Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie

Andreas Kroh, & John W.M. Jagt. (2004). Notes on North Sea Basin Cainozoic echinoderms, Part 3. Pliocene gorgonocephalid ophiuroids from borehole IJsselmuiden-1 (Overijssel, The Netherlands). Cainozoic Research, 4(1/2), 67–70.