Several samples from the Miocene Tırtar Formation of the Karaman high plain in Turkey have been analysed in respect to nannoplankton and foraminifers. These sandy-clayey shallow marine deposits are famous for their mollusc assemblages, representing a key area for Mediterranean mollusc taxonomy and biostratigraphy. Previous datings based on benthic molluscs were vague, ranging from middle-to late Miocene. The new data clearly acknowledge a Serravallian age of these mollusc-bearing localities, as earlier demonstrated by pteropods.

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Cainozoic Research

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Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie

Stjepan Çoriç, Mathias Harzhauser, Fred Rögl, Yeşim İslamoğlu, & Bernard Landau. (2012). Biostratigraphy of some mollusc-bearing middle Miocene localities on the Karaman high plain (Turkey, Konya Province). Cainozoic Research, 9(2), 281–288.