’The preservation of wildlife is not the problem of any one country alone, it is an intricate international problem. Treaties covering migratory birds of North and South America, others dealing with the bird-life of Europe and Africa, or the whole of Asia, should some day be written large by the law-makers in these countries. I love the Cardinal and the Mockingbird of my own homeland, but the Snipe driving through the air over the Norfolk Broads, the Ruffs dancing by the road on Texel, the white Spoonbills in their reedy home in the Kisbalaton, the Motmot eternally swaying ts tail in the jungles of Panama – all appeal to me as strongly as do birds that enthralled me in the days of childhood. The wild bird makes its appeal in all lands, and all may enjoy it. – The deaf may wach its flight and rejoice in its brilliant plumage. The blind are uplifted by its music. We are engaged in a work of inestimable value to mankind. The agencies of destruction are terrific. With united and harmonieus efforts munch may be accomplished. May we at all times work the utmost harmony in teaching to others in the world the value of wild bird-life, which is today our high privilege to enjoy’. Aldus sprak in 1930, op warme, haast poëtische wijze, de Amerikaan dr. Gilbert T. Pearson, stichter van de International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP), op de Tweede Wereld Conferentie van deze organisatie te Amsterdam.