Since the beginning of the seventies groups of flamingos established themselves in Dutch waters. Most birds are Chilean Flamingos Phoenicopterus chilensis and it is assumed that they escaped or were set free from captivity. Their numbers keep stable through the years. It is quite possible that the breeding colony of free living flamingos in the Zwillbrocker Venn (Germany) which was formed in 1983 is successful enough to cope with the inevitable losses. In the years before some limes single flamingos were observed in the Netherlands, but generally they disappeared in short time. It can be assumed that they were wandering Greater Flamingos P. ruber roseus. From the mid-eighties a substantial increase in numbers of the Greater Flamingos in Dutch waters could be recorded. In 1993 Greater Flamingos also bred in the Zwillbrocker Venn and young were raised. It cannot be ruled out that at least some of the Greater Flamingos are from wild origin. It is not yet known whether all Greater Flamingo’s hibernate in the Netherlands and whether this is a definite settle.