From October 26th till November 1st a team of four observers visited the Romanian Dobrogea especially for Red-breasted Geese. Some of these observers participated in the Anglo-Dutch groups that between 1968 and 1978 travelled to the Dobrogea with the object studying Redbreasted Geese. The world population of Redbreasted Geese is now considered to be 70.000- 80.000 birds. Though in comparison with 25 years ago the Romanian Dobrogea still offers favourable conditions for geese, some remarkable changes were determined. Private landownership resulted into agricultural activities on smaller scale and much more power lines were constructed in the triangle Histria, Sinoe, Mihai Viteazu, the former centre of Red-breasted Geese occurrence. A beginning of forestry could be ascertained. Table 1 shows the number of geese observed during the excursions. On October 27th there was a meeting with Romanian ornithologists, who counted Red-breasted Geese. In cooperation with Bulgarian observers systematical counts of geese take place during winter. A comparison between raptornumbers in 1970 and 1996 (table 2) shows a significant increase. In 1970 a daily average of 7.9 raptors was realised. During the six days in 1996 170 raptors were observed in 14 species, a daily average of 28.3. Among these were Lesser Spotted Eagle, Longlegged Buzzard, Black Kite, Hobby and Saker. White-tailed Eagles were observed almost daily. Pygmy Cormorant, Greylag Goose and Mediterranean Gull showed a sharp increase in numbers. Calandra Lark, numerous 25 years ago, disappeared almost completely. Red-crested Pochard and Ruddy Shelduck were not seen.