Cases of raptor persecution in the northern Netherlands (provinces of Groningen, Friesland, Drenlhe, Overijssel, Gelderland and IJsselmeerpolders, combined some 20,000 km2) were collected. Poisoning is still common practice (51 confirmed and 29 possible cases), although shooting and trapping is also used to destroy raptors (Table 1). Not surprisingly, Common Buzzards (a species that readily takes to carrion) are most often victimised by poisoning. Several mass poisonings came to notice, i.e. near Slochteren (12 Common Buzzards), Korte Hemmen (9 Common Buzzards) and Heino (12 Common Buzzards, 1 Goshawk). Poisoned baits were mainly found in sites where also dead raptors had been collected. Aldicarb, carbofuran and parathion are most often abused to kill raptors. In comparison to data from the 1980s and early 1990s, many sites with a record of persecution are still known for destroying raptors. In 1995, several other sites were detected where killing "vermin" is practised, showing that raptor persecution is widespread. A link between raising and releasing pheasants (for shooting) and raptor persecution was again demonstrated.