During 1993-95, large numbers of birds of prey and owls were recorded dead or weakened in the province of Zeeland (2745 km2)(Table I). Marsh Harriers are probably under-recorded, given their abundance in Zeeland and many unsubstantiated tales of shooting and nest destruction. Sparrowhawks are most often recorded as window casually, especially during autumn migration along the coast line. The high number of traffic casualties among Common Buzzards results from systematic searching along railroads. Poisoning is another important mortality factor in this species. Large numbers of traffic casualties were also recorded in Kestrel, Bam Owl, Long-eared Owl and Little Owl. Incidentally, other raptor species were also registered, such as 1 Red Kile (poisoned), 1 Goshawk (ditto), 1 Rough-legged Buzzard (ditto), 2 Merlins. 3 Hobbies, 1 Peregrine, 1 Tawny Owl and 3 Short-eared Owls (some poisoned). An important source of poisoning was probably the use of chlorfacinon against rodents.