During a survey in western Noord-Brabant, 13 occupied territories of Hobbies were located in 1997. Most pairs started in the first half of June, wich is a normal onset for Hobbies in this region. Two pairs showed a very late onset of laying, i.e 4 July and 9 July. There was no evidence that these clutches involved repeat layings (although this can not be excluded). Whereas clutch size was rather small in 1997 (4x 2, 4x 3), as was the number of fledglings per successful pair (4x 1,4x 2 and 3x 3), it is argued that poor feeding conditions during the (pre-)laying period (adverse weather) may have influenced start of laying and clutch size. This was also visible in the small number of pluckings found near nests. Both late layings were successful, fledging 2 (estimated fledging date: 3 September) and 1 young (8 September) respectively.