Poisoning incidents (n=53), shooting (2x), trapping (4x, but involving a much higher number in two specific cases) and deliberate disturbance of nests (89x) of raptors were recorded throughout The Netherlands (Table 1), but with a concentration in the eastern and northern half of the country (Fig. 1), where raptor density and variety are highest. Poisoning is still widespread, with parathion being the most commonly abused chemical (23x). Other poisons involved were carbofuran (8x), mevinfos (3x), strychnine (2x), alfachloralose (1x) and dimethoate (1x), of which the use of alfacloralose and strychnine is strictly forbidden. Most victims were Common Buzzards. The poisoning incident of a Black Kite was a first for The Netherlands, although Red Kites had often been found poisoned during 1975-99 (55 birds analysed, of which 45 were poisoned). Deliberate nest disturbances occurred quite often, including disturbances sec, taking of eggs or nestlings, destroying eggs, cutting down the nesting tree and shooting. Marsh Harrier, Goshawk and Common Buzzard are most often targeted (Table 1). It is calculated that annually the following minimum number of nests is deliberately disturbed: Hen Harrier 4, Marsh Harrier 35, Goshawk 54. Sparrowhawk 51, Common Buzzard 248, Kestrel 48 and Hobby 4, based on the frequency of disturbed nests among nest record cards per species and population sizes of the respective species in The Netherlands. These figures are conservative, as great care is taken only to record proven cases of nest disturbance; most cases of nest failure remain a mystery, even when negative human activities are suspected.