In 1988, Red Kites nested successfully in undulating farmland near the streams of Dinkel and Vecht in Twente in the eastern Netherlands. The nest was situated in a Scots pine at a height of 18 m, and was built and had been used by Goshawks in the preceding 9 years. This nest was occupied by an incubating Red Kite on 3 April 1988. Three nestlings were ringed on 4 June, the first branchling was observed on 24 June, followed by two more on 1 July. All three nestlings had fledged by mid-July. Although frequently breeding just across the border near Bentheim in Germany, Red Kites are extremely rare breeding birds in The Netherlands: at least 10 breeding attempts since 1977, mainly in Twente and Limburg, with only a single case of nestbuilding in the 1990s.