From 7-16 July 2000, a male Hobby (presumably 2cy and unpaired) was repeatedly seen hunting for small beetles swarming above two poplars adjoining short-grazed fields in the province of Gelderland. The bird arrived just after sunset (each time from the same direction) and continued hunting till dark. Although no beetles (or their remains) were collected, it is assumed that Garden Chafers were involved, given time of the year, habitat, behaviour and size. Similar hunting behaviour was never witnessed during Hobby observations in the province of Noord-Brabant in 1979-84, where insect hunting (solitary insects only) Hobbies apparently restrict their activities to woodlands, heaths, open grassland and villages, or to swarming ants in June through August. Bam Swallows from the nearby colony of 25-35 pairs were ignored. In the morning of 17 July, presumably the same food source in both poplars was also busily exploited by Rooks and Jackdaws, whereas three Little Owls walked the fields underneath both trees and were seen pecking frequently.