Vervolging van roofvogels in Nederland in 2002
De Takkeling , Volume 11 - Issue 1 p. 55- 63
Poisoning incidents (n=50) and deliberate disturbance of nests (58x) were recorded throughout The Netherlands but particularly in the provinces of Friesland, Overijssel, Noord-Holland, Zeeland, Noord- Brabant and Limburg (Fig. 1). This is a wider distribution than during the preceding years, but it is impossible to say whether this represents an increase in persecution. The motives for persecution show regional variations, varying from the wish to protect game species (Overijssel, Zeeland, Noord- Brabant, Limburg), to protection of meadow birds (Friesland), falconry interests (Noord-Brabant), pigeon fanciers (Noord-Brabant), poisoning of red foxes (Noord-Holland), egg collections (Friesland) and so on. Common Buzzards (n=46). Northern Goshawks (n=3) and European Marsh Harrier (n=1) were recorded as victims of poisoning, mostly by providing poisoned baits and using aldicarb (n=24), carbofuran (n=12), aldicarb/carbofuran (n=5), parathion (n=5) and strychnine (n=1). Disturbing nests by keeping parents away from the nest or by destroying eggs or nestlings is widespread. Based on the recorded intensity of persecution (Table 2), the large sample of nest cards (over 4000 in 2002), the distribution of nest cards over the country and the most recent population sizes of affected raptor species (Hustings & Vergeer 2002), it is calculated that at least 270 raptor nest were destroyed in 2002.
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De Takkeling | |
CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding") | |
Organisation | Werkgroep Roofvogels Nederland |
Rob G. Bijlsma, Jan Schipperijn, Rob van Swieten, & Pedro Zoun. (2003). Vervolging van roofvogels in Nederland in 2002. De Takkeling, 11(1), 55–63. |