Boomvalken Falco subbuteo langs het Goudse stadsspoor
De Takkeling , Volume 15 - Issue 2 p. 132- 134
In 2004-06 recently fledged Hobbies were recorded annually near the railway station of Gouda, some 2 km from the town centre, indicating that successful breeding had occurred. The site holds houses, social services and small industries. The presence of gardens, alder woodlots and open water makes the site relatively ‘green’. Although old crow’s nests were found in the area in winter, the actual nest sites of the Hobbies were not located. Each year two juveniles were recorded, i.e. between 28 and 30 August (2004), 16 August and 13 September (2005) and 9 August and 24 September, using buildings, overhead wires and trees (dead and alive) as sitting posts.
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De Takkeling | |
CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding") | |
Organisation | Werkgroep Roofvogels Nederland |
Dirk Huitzing. (2007). Boomvalken Falco subbuteo langs het Goudse stadsspoor. De Takkeling, 15(2), 132–134. |