In the same region in the northern Netherlands, where in 2006 a Kestrel pair was found incubating a dwarf clutch (Riedstra 2007), two more dwarf clutches were recorded in 2008. The first was found during laying (3 eggs found, but probably 4 laid before the clutch failed), the second consisting of 5 dwarf eggs and considered to have been a repeat laying of the same female (starting 18 days after the failed clutch had been removed). The largest egg (13.3 cm³) among both clutches still measured only 65.8% of the volume of the average egg for this Kestrel population (20.19 cm3). The smallest egg had a volume of 4.74 cm³, smaller than ever recorded in The Netherlands. Both clutches were collected; none of the eggs contained a yolk. The female was captured and found to be in good condition without showing external deviations. She was in her 6th calender-year, ringed as a nestling in 2003.

De Takkeling

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Werkgroep Roofvogels Nederland

Albert Raven, Bernd Riedstra, & Cor Dijkstra. (2010). Opnieuw een dwerglegsel én een compleet dwergvervolglegsel bij een Torenvalk Falco tinnunculus in het Lauwersmeer. De Takkeling, 18(2), 151–155.