During 18-22 January 2010, nine raptor species were observed in the coastal zone of the Romanian Dobrogea. During this short stay, the weather was dominated by low temperatures (maximum temperature -10°C) and heavy snowfall. As the coastal lagoons nowadays held fresh water, they were completely frozen over. Consequently, waterbirds were absent. During four days of fieldwork 11 Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus were observed. In late afternoon of 21 January, six birds – with at least one adult female and two subadult males – entered a roost in a large reedbed near Bestepe along the southern coast of the delta. On 22 January, three subadult males were seen near Histria, probably also in the vicinity of a roost. All Marsh Harriers behaved as resident birds. Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus (33 birds on 4 days, of which 17 males; 3 males passed Histria in 20 minutes on 20 January) and Buzzards Buteo buteo (the majority of 99 birds, among which a flock of 22 birds near Sinoe on 20 January) showed distinct southward displacements, prseumably cold rushes in anticipation of the severe winter conditions and heavy snowfall. Other raptors seen involved White-tailed Eagles (3), Sparrowhawks (10), Roughlegged Buzzards (11), Long-legged Buzzards (3), Kestrels (16) and Merlins (4).