In 2010, a pair ofWhite-tailed Eagles raised a female chick in the Oostvaardersplassen. The pair was presumably the same as the one that had settled in 2006 (and had been present in summer 2005). If so, the female was then in her 7th year of life, the male even older. In 2006-10, this pair raised 1x 2 and 4x 1 chick(s), advancing its laying date by a month between 2006 and 2009. In 2010, laying started eleven days later (on 11 March) than in the previous year, perhaps because of persistent frost throughout January, much of February and early March. Prey remains found on the nest consisted of Anser anser (2 half-grown chicks), Fulica atra (5), Ondatra zibethicus (1), Cervus elaphus (1 calf, scavenged), Cyprinus carpio (1) and Rutilis rutilis (3). Three pellets exclusively contained feather remains of young Greylag Geese.