Annually, about 20-25 pairs of Buzzard breed in the marshes of National Park Aide Feanen, in the province of Friesland. Most pairs breed in Common Alders Alnus glutinosa. In spring 2010, however, a pair built a nest on the roof of a small shed in the marsh. The shed was about 2.5 m high. The single egg did not hatch; the cause of failure is not known (but human disturbance is suspected). In the last few decades, the marshland has become partly overgrown with trees and shrubs. The few larger trees were already occupied by other Buzzard pairs, but this does not explain the choice of nesting site in this particular pair. The nest vicinity abounds in prey, especially small mammals, passerines and goslings of Greylag Goose Anser anser and Canada Goose Branta canadensis.