During a trip of nearly three weeks in May and June 2010 17 species of birds of prey were observed (Table 1). Areas visited included Jiuzhaigou NP, the steppes near Roeurgai, Maerkang and the almost 4500 meters high Balang Shan Pass. General ornithology was the main target of the trip, which covered about 2600 km. Raptors were not plentiful, in numbers nor species diversity. On some days no raptors were observed at all. The only area where raptors were found to be numerous were the steppes around Roeurgai. On 29 May 30 Black-eared Kites Milvus migrans lineatus, at least 1 Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, 25 Himalayan Griffons Gyps himalayensis, 7 Monk Vultures Aegypius monachus, 45 Upland Buzzards Buteo hemilasius und 8 Sakers Falco cherrug were recorded here.