Since the 1970s, all raptor species have been protected in Germany. Illegal persecution, however, is widespread. In 2005-10, 260 cases with a total of 466 raptors were recorded in Northrhine-Westphalia, mostly Buzzards Buteo buteo (307), Goshawks (48) and Red Kites (35). Methods of killing included poisoning (69%, mostly with aldicarb, mevinphos and parathion), shooting (14%) and catching (8%), apart from several other methods (mainly nest disturbance). Raptor persecution was registered in 38 out of 53 local regions, with high numbers killed along the border with The Netherlands (Heinsberg, Geilenkirchen, Waldfeucht). Illegal raptor persecution was correlated with the intensity of shooting of pheasants and hares. Nine offenders, mostly hunters and pigeon fanciers, were sentenced to fines between 600 and 5400 euro. The publication of a leaflet about raptor persecution (how to recognise and prevent illegal killing) increased the sensitivity of people, and also resulted in a larger number of cases being submitted to the local government and societies.