Mededelingen Predatie van Venglazenmaker (Aeshna juncea) op Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta)
Brachytron , Volume 8 - Issue 1 p. 24- 26
Boer, E.P. de, 2004. Predation of Aeshna juncea on Aeshna mixta. Brachytron 8(1): 24-26 On September 19, 2004 a picture was taken of two aeshnid females at Fochteloërveen; a large nature reserve, with marshy heath land and peat bogs. The picture shows an example of interspecific predation of a female Common Hawker (Aeshna juncea) on a female Migrant Hawker (A. mixta). Records of this type of predatory behaviour are very scarce. Examples known from the literature and from observations of the author are summarised in table 1.
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Brachytron | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie |
E. Peter de Boer. (2005). Mededelingen Predatie van Venglazenmaker (Aeshna juncea) op Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta). Brachytron, 8(1), 24–26. |