Overwinteren in Nederland, geen koud kunstje voor de Noordse winterjuffer (Sympecma paedisca)
Brachytron , Volume 11 - Issue 1 p. 42- 51
Until 2002 it was unknown where the Siberian winter damsel Sympecma paedisca hibernated in the Netherlands. With research first winter sightings were established which enabled the researchers to monitor the hibernating damselflies during wintertime. S. paedisca hibernates in the drier areas near the reproduction sites, but also on similar areas far from De Weerribben. They hibernate till 60 cm above ground level in free hanging position often on Calluna vulgaris and Molinia caerulea, but also on Rubus fruticosus and young trees like Betula and Quercus robur. Cryptical hibernation as known from abroad, could not be established.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
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Brachytron | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie |
Evert J. Ruiter & René Manger. (2007). Overwinteren in Nederland, geen koud kunstje voor de Noordse winterjuffer (Sympecma paedisca). Brachytron, 11(1), 42–51. |