Paring tussen Bruine winterjuffer (Sympecma fusca) en Noordse winterjuffer (S. paedisca) voor tweede maal waargenomen in Nederland
Brachytron , Volume 14 - Issue 1 p. 59- 63
In 2008, a copula of Sympecma fusca and Sympecma paedisca, with oviposition ensuing, was observed in the Dutch region of De Weerribben, Overijssel. The year before that, a similar copula was observed in a different location. The earlier copula took a shorter time than the 2008 one. It would seen that in areas were both species reproduce, Sympecma fusca behaves dominantly towards Sympecma paedisca. The increasing spread of Sympecma fusca northward as seen in the last few decades could cause competition in the use of reproduction waters in De Weerribben and similar areas between the two species. It is not known whether interbreeding between the two species could actually lead to (viable) progeny.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
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Brachytron | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie |
René Manger. (2011). Paring tussen Bruine winterjuffer (Sympecma fusca) en Noordse winterjuffer (S. paedisca) voor tweede maal waargenomen in Nederland. Brachytron, 14(1), 59–63. |