Brochard, C., & E. van der Ploeg, 2011. Looking for the best spot: how far will Cordulegaster insignis walk? Brachytron 14 (1): 64-66 In this short portrait, some of the habitat preferences, larval ecology and emerging behaviour of Cordulegaster insignis are discussed. During a search for larval skins in Muğla province, Turkey, 70 exuviae were found during three visits. They were mainly found in trees, at an altitude varying from a few cm to 8 m from the ground. The maximum distance from the nearest water was 30 meters.

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Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie

Christophe Brochard, & Ewoud van der Ploeg. (2011). Portret De zoektocht naar de beste plek: de wandeling van de Blauwoogbronlibel (Cordulegaster insignis). Brachytron, 14(1), 64–66.